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In order to achieve its objectives, The Epitome Mentors (Referred to from here henceforth as THEM) has taken time to design various programs. These programs will facilitate the achievement of the goals that THEM has. Below is a summary of the programs and what their objectives are as well as what constitutes them. Note that, this is a summary, the complete programs’ details are possessed by THEM alone.
The academic enhancement program is one of our pivotal programs. The program aims at enhancing students’ academic abilities broadly by two methods. First by ensuring that students have the right attitude and mindset when it comes to matters of academics and education. The program also aims at teaching students fun methods of learning that not only make learning effective and easier but also enjoyable.
During the running of this particular program, special attention will be given to the different mindsets the students’ possess to ensure that each is equipped with methods that work for them. Contrary to popular belief, we believe students who display dismal performance are not always necessarily lazy. THEM has taken this into account as it develops its programs and methods.
We have developed various mechanisms that can help us establish what factors when enhanced or diminished can help to optimize the academic competency of a student. On request these mechanisms can be used for especially the students for whom the general methods that THEM will advocate for may not be as effective. The same will apply to students to whom the methods may be effective but still wish to create further confidence in them.
In this program a general three step process is implemented:
This part of the program seeks to help students understand why education is important. It will seek to show them the practicality of the content they have covered and will cover, both in future careers as well as their daily lives. This changes the way they view their content hence how they respond to and consume it.
This part of the program seeks to transform the approach students take when going through their content. Just as it sounds it will seek to create capacities in their minds that they may seem not to possess as well as enhance abilities that will cause astronomical progress.
This part of the program seeks to help students use the gains from part one and two in ensuring academic success in examination. It seeks to help students realize the general and specific mistakes that have been responsible for any less than optimal performance. At the same time it seeks to help them understand what they can do to ensure optimal performance.
The academic enhancement program is biased towards the enhancement of intelligence (more specifically their intelligence quotient). This program comes in to ensure that the intelligent individuals created by the AEP (Academic Enhancement Program) are neither a menace to themselves nor society. It seeks to show individuals the benefits of good conduct to society and to themselves. This program also seeks to establish logical algorithm that shows individuals why the various recommendations are so.
This program seeks to ensure that its participants are equipped with interpersonal skills. This program is bent towards especially the development of communication skills. It seeks to create and enhance its participants’ ability of expression. It ensures that one can express their own abstract and linear ideas without loss of any part of the message or data. It also seeks to ensure one can express information that might have otherwise been termed “too technical” in such a way that it is palatable to most minds.
This program seeks to ensure that the talents of an individual are exploited to their benefit as well as to the community in which they exist. THEM seeks to ensure that the individuals engaged in its programs are all-round individuals. For this reason THEM seeks to ensure they are equipped with the necessary competencies when it comes to their areas of gifting and talents. THEM teaches them how to strike a balance that will ensure both growth and success in their academics and co-curricular activities. This particular program is to work well in conjunction with the AEP. For quite a significant number of students, co-curricular activities make them better performers academically. This is because they serve very well as complimentary activities to academics that helps them to stay focused during their academic activities. This is because co-curricular activities are excellent training grounds for enhancing discipline. Co-curricular activities help students to learn to focus their energies on tasks thus helping them with their focus when they get back to their books.
The peer educators program consists of students who receive further training from THEM in order to be agents of positive change and progress among their peers. The students in this program are referred to as The Epitome Young Educators (hereby referred to from this point henceforth as THEY).
They are simply peer educators and influencers who are to work together as a group as well as with the rest of their peers to ensure everyone is the best person they can be and that all their potential is fully maximized.
The THEY program is designed in such a way that ensures that a THEY is excellent when it comes to their morality as well as interpersonal skills. These give them a platform to be fearless influencers amidst their peers hence effectively serving their roles as THEY.
Leadership can be defined as a process of influencing others to agree on a shared purpose, and to work towards shared objectives. A distinction should be made between leadership and management. Managers process administrative tasks and organize work environments. Although leaders may be required to undertake managerial duties as well, leaders typically focus on inspiring followers and creating a shared organizational culture and values. Managers deal with complexity, while leaders deal with initiating and adapting to change. In contrast, leaders undertake the tasks of setting a direction or vision, aligning people to shared goals, communicating, and motivating.
In the school settings we usually pick students to leadership positions whether by appointment or by election. A number of times though, this may prove detrimental to the students’ performance especially coupled with inadequate leadership capacity. At Epitome Intelligence we build these capacities. Our student leadership program equips student leaders with the necessary skills for them to serve as leaders and excellent managers not only in their current positions but for the future as well.
Career choice and development is one of the most pertinent choices that a person will have to make. Many times students lack guidance in this area albeit it is a very important decision. The program at Epitome Intelligence helps students make informed choices taking into account their strengths, vision and personalities just to mention a few. They also get to interact with people working in the various professions. They hence then therefore get to understand what different career paths demand and what is in store for them as they pick a particular career. Epitome Intelligence also holds career days to reach out to students on matters career.
This consists of activities that are aimed at building teams. Various groups subscribe to this particular service. They include corporates, universities’ and schools’ clubs and societies, church groups and other gatherings. The aim of this particular service is to build a bond among individuals. This helps to create an environment of freedom and trust as they work together. They will learn how to identify and work with each other’s abilities as well as how to complement each other. It also makes them comfortable communicating when working together. This enhances the quality of their work and hence the quality of their product be it a good or a service.
In the case of non-business oriented groups it helps to make it easier for them to achieve various specific objectives they may have.
In the particular case of learning institutions it will encourage the spirit of cooperation and team work as they learn and study as well as boost their confidence in a classroom setting. This will make their learning and study enjoyable and much easier.
The World's Scholar Cup is an international team academic program with more than 15,000 students participating from over 65 countries every year. We are proud to help our students rise to the accasion every year and help them make great achievements in this endeavour. We train our students to tackle all there is to tackle. The Scolar's bowl, Collaborative writing, Scholar's challenge and the Team debate. Join us and let us help you expand your mind and horizons. Get smarter as you also see the world.
Kindly note that THEM can offer one or more and in some cases all of these programs. This will be determined by the needs and wants of the institution as well as the particular target group of students.